Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Library Media Specialist's Role in Teaching Online Safety

     Students are are exposed to online risks such as risks towards their own personal safety, identity safety, and security of future opportunities as well as cyberbullying.  The thesis of the article is that the library media specialist (LMS) must be the leader in teaching online safety to students and teachers since they are the ones trained on information literacy and other issues. The Children's Internet Protection Act and the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act are two laws which require schools to address the issue of internet safety for the students. Online safety could not be addressed by filtering methods but that media literacy (specifically training in online safety) by the school's LMS would effectively address this concern.

Three Points

1. The instructional role of the LMS.
2. More than filtering, online safety.
3. Teach online safety now.

The instructional role of the LMS.
     The library media specialist must play an active role in addressing the issue of online safety. However, C. M. Schmidt pointed out through the article that this role should be more than being active but that the LMS must be in a leading role in addressing this concern. Teaching online safety to students and teachers to insure that they have the needed skills in traversing the online world...perhaps, even before incidents on cyberbullying and other online issues occur in the school community.

More than filtering, online safety.
     Filtering  can adversely affect learning in the school community by unintentionally blocking sites that can be sources of valuable information. The article quoted a 2006 study by Heins, Cho, and Feldman which concluded that "filters erect barriers and taboos rather than educating youth about media literacy..." By placing the responsibility on educated and trained students through media literacy, rather than just restricting or limiting access, LMS can teach online safety with effects that goes beyond the walls of the school.

Teach online safety now.
     Learners of this generation are "digital natives." Media and technology has an active role in their lives as learners. It is prudent, therefore, that LMS, especially those in schools, be active in training young learners about online safety now. As C. M. Schmidt wrote: "If our  professional standards state that students need to be able to use technology responsibly and safely, it is our responsibility to ensure that students have the knowledge and skills necessary to do so."


     The virtual world abuts the real world of learners now. It is the role not just of library media specialists but also of professional librarians to train and educate learners on online safety. However, it is imperative that librarians see and acknowledge that they are responsible and able to address online risk issues. They are the best persons in the academic community to advocate, train and educate the members of the academic community on online risks and the skills by which online safety can be had.


Schmidt, C. M. (2009). The library media specialist's role in teaching online safety. Library Media 
     Connection, 10-13.


Read more about Living Life Online by the Federal Trade Commission

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