Thursday, October 3, 2013

Visiting the new and old Rizal Library of ADMU

Fountain at the Rizal Library of Ateneo de Manila University
     Another Saturday found me on a library tour at the Rizal Library of the Ateneo de Manila University. It boggles the mind how I could have failed to visit this wonderful library which is but a stone's throw away from my place. Anyhow, I thank the LIS 260 class of our wonderful professor Prof Sharon Esposo-Betan for opening opportunities to visit these libraries of the digital age.
     I knew I was able to visit the Ateneo Library back then but it has been recreated since. The new library has a pond of clear water running inside which goes on to the back of the building, of which the picture above portrays. Its space is well-designed and it does not have the claustrophobic feel. At the entrance, one is greeted by the library staff manning the reference desk. That is a welcome sight--one need feel lost and be lost when one enters the library.

     At various areas and floors of the library is distributed the different collection and services of the library. The print collection, the digital collection and their AV materials (which include board games!) are housed in different areas in the library.

      A plus for me was the visit to the renovated old library where the other services of the library can be availed. A major attraction for me there was their AV library and their photo-duplication facilities. The ingenuity and dedication of the men behind the hidden staircase of the building is inspiring.

     However, aside from the technologies, the space, and the collection, I am amazed by the dedication and loyalty as well as the quality of service of the library's manpower. Every interview with the different people of the library was a showcase of their pride for their work as well as of the loyalty to the institution they are serving in. That is one huge asset that that Rizal Library has. Thank you Rizal Library for the wonderful experience!

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